Having a unique selling proposition (USP) is essential for any hotel or resort that wants to stand out from the crowd and attract more guests. Without a USP, it’s harder for hotel owners to differentiate their hotel from the competition, making it difficult to create an effective video marketing campaign.
Fortunately, hotel owners can use different strategies when creating videos to showcase their hotel's unique features and sell potential customers on why they should choose them over other establishments. And hotel videos are one of the best ways for hotels and resorts to showcase their USPs and attract more customers.
When crafting your hotel’s USP, think about what makes your hotel special compared with its competitors:
You can use hotel videos to show off the hotel's best features. Make sure you focus on the key elements that will make people choose your hotel over others. And that your hotel video features the hotel’s top USPs and why customers should stay in your hotel instead of another.
Every business would have a selling proposition, barring a total absence of competitors. Your selling proposition is the unique offer that will make consumers choose you over competitors. If possible, you alone should have that unique offer or only a handful of businesses in your industry. The hotel and resort trade is no different.
When creating hotel videos, think of a hook that will grab attention right away. A great hotel video should present a unique selling proposition (USP) in the beginning that makes guests want to stay at the hotel over competitors. Your USP should be clear, concise, easy to understand, and most importantly relevant to potential customers.
Take some time to explore other hotel videos and see how they present their USPs in order to get inspired for your own hotel videos. Consider different types of hotel videos that could be helpful: website videos, promotional videos, customer testimonials, etc.
You ought to try and get this unique offer across in every marketing campaign. If you study the hotel and resort marketing videos that you like closely, you will notice something unique about most videos that all others don’t have. While this might not be their main and only unique offer, it’s likely to be among. So, when studying hotel videos, try to understand their unique offers. Observe the hotel’s features that are used to communicate such offers.
Once you have a clear idea of the USP you want to convey in your video, it is important to create content that makes viewers take action after watching it.
It’s also helpful to watch other hotel videos to get an idea of what works and how hotel owners are presenting their offers in a creative way. Depending on your hotel’s goals, there are different types of videos that may be necessary such as website videos, promotional videos or even customer testimonials.
When creating the video for your hotel, focus on highlighting its unique selling points and make sure it stands out from the competition – both visually and through content. Use interesting visuals, catchy music and combine these with snippets of conversation to engage potential customers as they watch your hotel's video.
Also, keep in mind the hotel’s target audience and make sure that your hotel video speaks to them. Be sure to include information such as room types, amenities, availability of activities, discounts or promotions and other services that are relevant to your hotel’s USP.
Creating an effective hotel video needs careful planning including a good understanding of the features the hotel has to offer along with the message it aims to convey through its USP. When done properly, a great hotel video can increase customer recognition and result in more bookings. Follow these tips when creating a hotel video for your hotel to ensure you have a successful outcome:
Creating an effective hotel video does not have to be complicated or time-consuming. You can hire an external production house, or just pick up your phone and film some Instagram stories and TikToks. You can use existing hotel footage and photos, but it is also important to include information regarding your USP that will help you stand out from the competition. Consider how to make your hotel video memorable and interesting so viewers take action after watching it.
Finally, it is important to include a call-to-action at the end of the hotel video in order to ensure that viewers know how to make a reservation after watching. Make sure you include information about how to book online or contact the hotel directly so they can easily make reservations.
Creating an effective hotel video with a unique selling proposition is essential for getting customers excited about staying at your hotel or resort. By taking some time to identify what makes your hotel stand out from others and creating engaging content that shows off its features, you can create a hotel video that will draw in customers and capture their attention. With the right hotel video, you can make sure potential guests remember your hotel and keep coming back for more.